Autor: Jiri Kuhn Photography
Fashion v Dolní oblasti Vítkovic
2019 GalaShow TK Trend Ostrava
Traditional final of school year in Dance club Trend Ostrava was impoverished by lack of our top couples, which were working hard at that time…
Zobrazit více 2019 GalaShow TK Trend Ostrava2019 Galashow TK Trend Ostrava
Dance Academy 2019
With the school season approaching the end, almost all dance schools arrange the exhibitions, where students have the opportunity to show their progress. Also dance club…
Zobrazit více Dance Academy 2019Akademie TK Antonio 2019
2019 Antonio Cup TL
City Frydlant nad Ostravici is supporting the dance sport for quite long time, having also its own dance club, dance club Antonio. Among other, this club is educating…
Zobrazit více 2019 Antonio Cup TL2019 Antonio Cup TL
2019 Salsa Live
For 7th time in a row Ostrava city hosted the Czech-Polish dance festival Salsa Live, dedicated to salsa, bachata, kizomba, and other Latin-America dances. Similarly, as…
Zobrazit více 2019 Salsa Live2019 Salsa Live
Po sedmé se v Ostravě konal česko-polský taneční festival Salsa Live, věnovaný salsa, bachate, kizombě a dalším latinskoamerickým tancům. Stejně jako loni, i letos tento…
Zobrazit více 2019 Salsa Live